Part 1: Setting the Stage - Basic Resource Fetching

Angular's resource() method provides a straightforward way to handle asynchronous data fetching. We'll start with the most basic scenario: fetching weather data using the resource method. This will set the foundation for more advanced techniques.

Let's start with the basic component. We'll define a resource that fetches data, and have a button that refetches the data when clicked. We'll also display the loading state and weather information once the data is loaded.

Here’s the initial component code:

import { Component, resource } from '@angular/core';

interface WeatherData {
  temperature: number;
  condition: string;
  icon: string;

  selector: 'app-weather-info',
  template: `
    <div class="card bg-base-200 w-96 shadow-xl mx-auto">
      <div class="card-body flex flex-col items-center gap-4">
          class="btn btn-block btn-primary btn-outline"
          Get Weather Info
        @if (weatherResource.isLoading()) {
          <span class="loading loading-spinner loading-lg"></span>
        } @else if (weatherResource.value()) {
            class="w-20 object-fit"
            alt="weather icon"
          <p class="text-2xl">
            Temperature: {{ weatherResource.value()?.temperature }}
          <p class="text-xl">
            Condition: {{ weatherResource.value()?.condition }}
export class WeatherInfoComponent {
  weatherResource = resource<WeatherData, string>({
    loader: async ({ abortSignal }) => {
      const response = await new Promise<Response>((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          fetch('assets/weather.json', { signal: abortSignal }).then((r) =>
        }, 1500);
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error('Could not fetch data');
      const data = await response.json();
      return data as WeatherData;


  1. Imports: We import Component and resource from @angular/core.
  2. Types: The WeatherData interface is defined to match the structure of the data we expect from the JSON file.
  3. Component Properties:
    • weatherResource: This is a Resource that manages the asynchronous data fetching process. The result of the resource() method is assigned to it.
  4. weatherResource Initialization:
    • The resource() method is called to initialize weatherResource when the component is instantiated. This also sends our first HTTP call via the loader function.
    • The loader option is defined as an asynchronous function. This function simulates an API call by fetching data from assets/weather.json with a 1.5-second delay using setTimeout, and includes an abortSignal to handle cancellations.
    • If the network response isn't ok, it will throw an error, that the resource() method will handle.
    • If everything goes well, the data is returned.
  5. Template:
    • A button is present, that calls the weatherResource.reload() method. This will re-trigger the loader function, fetching the data again.
    • The template uses @if blocks, and the weatherResource methods isLoading(), value() to show a loading state or the data.

Key Takeaways:

  • The resource() method simplifies asynchronous data fetching by managing the loading state, handling errors, and providing the data once it has been loaded.
  • The template is reactive, updating automatically when the resource's state changes.
  • We are using weatherResource.reload() method to re-trigger the data fetch.

Part 2: Loading Resources On-Demand

In the previous example, the resource was initialized immediately when the component was created, triggering a data fetch. What if you want to defer this fetch until a specific action? You can use the request attribute to control when the resource's loader is executed, allowing you to load resources on-demand.

Let's modify our previous example to include a weatherRequestState signal. This signal will determine if the resource's loader should be triggered. This way, we can load our resource on-demand based on user interactions.

Here's the updated code:

import { Component, resource, signal } from '@angular/core';

interface WeatherData {
  temperature: number;
  condition: string;
  icon: string;

type WeatherRequestState = 'idle' | 'ready';

  selector: 'app-weather-info',
  template: `
    <div class="card bg-base-200 w-96 shadow-xl mx-auto">
      <div class="card-body flex flex-col items-center gap-4">
        <button class="btn btn-block btn-primary btn-outline" (click)="getWeatherInfo()">
          Fetch Weather
        @if (weatherResource.isLoading()) {
          <span class="loading loading-spinner loading-lg"></span>
        } @else if (weatherResource.value()) {
            class="w-20 object-fit"
            alt="weather icon"
          <p class="text-2xl">
            Temperature: {{ weatherResource.value()?.temperature }}
          <p class="text-xl">
            Condition: {{ weatherResource.value()?.condition }}
export class WeatherInfoComponent {
  weatherRequestState = signal<WeatherRequestState>('idle');
  weatherResource = resource<WeatherData, WeatherRequestState | undefined>({
    request: () => {
      if (this.weatherRequestState() === 'idle') {
        return undefined;
      return this.weatherRequestState();
    loader: async ({ abortSignal }) => {
      const response = await new Promise<Response>((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          fetch('assets/weather.json', { signal: abortSignal }).then((r) =>
        }, 1500);
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error('Could not fetch data');
      const data = await response.json();
      return data as WeatherData;

  getWeatherInfo() {
    if (this.weatherRequestState() !== 'ready') {
    } else {


  • We've introduced a weatherRequestState signal to control when the resource should load. The state can be 'idle' or 'ready'.
  • The request attribute of the resource is now defined as a function that returns the weatherRequestState value, or undefined if the state is 'idle'.
  • The loader function will only be called when the request function returns 'ready'.
  • The getWeatherInfo() method now checks if the current state is 'idle', in that case it sets the weatherRequestState to 'ready', otherwise it calls weatherResource.reload() to refetch data.

Key Takeaways:

  • We can use the request attribute to load the resource on-demand, only when needed.
  • The loader function will only run when the request function returns a value different than undefined.

Part 3: Handling Errors

Data fetching isn't always smooth, so it's important to handle potential errors gracefully. Let's extend the application to include error handling, and to simulate an error when fetching the data.

We'll add a new button that attempts to fetch data with an error. This will demonstrate how to display error messages.

Here's the modified code:

import { Component, resource, signal } from '@angular/core';
interface WeatherData {
  temperature: number;
  condition: string;
  icon: string;

type WeatherRequestState = 'idle' | 'ready' | 'simulateError';

  selector: 'app-weather-info',
  template: `
    <div class="card bg-base-200 w-96 shadow-xl mx-auto">
      <div class="card-body flex flex-col items-center gap-4">
        <button class="btn btn-block btn-primary btn-outline" (click)="getWeatherInfo()">
          Fetch Weather
          class="btn btn-block btn-error btn-outline"
          Get Weather Info with error
        @if (weatherResource.isLoading()) {
          <span class="loading loading-spinner loading-lg"></span>
        } @else if (weatherResource.error()) {
          <div role="alert" class="alert alert-error">
            <span>{{ weatherResource.error() }}</span>
        } @else if (weatherResource.value()) {
            class="w-20 object-fit"
            alt="weather icon"
          <p class="text-2xl">
            Temperature: {{ weatherResource.value()?.temperature }}
          <p class="text-xl">
            Condition: {{ weatherResource.value()?.condition }}
export class WeatherInfoComponent {
  weatherRequestState = signal<WeatherRequestState>('idle');
  weatherResource = resource<WeatherData, WeatherRequestState | undefined>({
    request: () => {
      if (this.weatherRequestState() === 'idle') {
        return undefined;
      return this.weatherRequestState();
    loader: async ({ abortSignal, request: requestState }) => {
      const response = await new Promise<Response>((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          fetch('assets/weather.json', { signal: abortSignal }).then((r) =>
        }, 1500);
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error('Could not fetch data');
      if (requestState === 'simulateError') {
        throw new Error('Something went wrong');
      const data = await response.json();
      return data as WeatherData;

  getWeatherInfo() {
    if (this.weatherRequestState() !== 'ready') {
    } else {

  getWeatherInfoWithError() {


  • We've introduced a simulateError state to the WeatherRequestState type.
  • The weatherRequestState signal is now used to control if the loader should simulate an error.
  • The loader function now checks if the request state is 'simulateError', and if it is, it throws a new error.
  • The getWeatherInfoWithError method is introduced to set the weatherRequestState to simulateError, triggering a data fetch with a simulated error.
  • The template is updated to display the error using weatherResource.error().

Key Takeaways:

  • We're using the weatherRequestState signal to control the initial loading of the data, and to simulate errors on the loader.
  • The resource() method will catch errors thrown in the loader function, and make them available through the error() signal.
  • The template uses weatherResource.error() to display the error message.

Part 4: Dynamic Resource Switching (Multi-City Support)

Let's now introduce more dynamic behavior into our component by enabling the user to switch between single and multi-city modes. When switching modes, we'll modify how the resource fetches the data, using the request option to control the fetching process.

We'll add a toggle switch and a dropdown to allow the user to select their desired city when in multi-city mode.

Here’s the complete component code:

import { Component, resource, signal } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

type City = 'Stockholm' | 'Milan';

interface WeatherData {
  temperature: number;
  condition: string;
  icon: string;
  city?: City;

type WeatherRequestState = 'idle' | 'ready' | 'simulateError';

type WeatherResourceConfig = {
  requestState: WeatherRequestState;
  isMultiCityMode: boolean;
  selectedCity: City;

  selector: 'app-weather-info',
  imports: [FormsModule],
  template: `
    <div class="card bg-base-200 w-96 shadow-xl mx-auto">
      <div class="card-body flex flex-col items-center gap-4">
        <div class="form-control w-full">
          <label class="label cursor-pointer">
            <span class="label-text">Multicity</span>
              class="toggle toggle-primary"
        @if (isMultiCityMode()) {
          <select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity" class="select select-primary w-full">
            @for(city of cities; track city) {
            <option [value]="city">{{ city }}</option>
        } @else {
            class="btn btn-block btn-primary btn-outline"
            Get Weather Info
          class="btn btn-block btn-error btn-outline"
          Get Weather Info with error
        @if (weatherResource.isLoading()) {
          <span class="loading loading-spinner loading-lg"></span>
        } @else if (weatherResource.error()) {
          <div role="alert" class="alert alert-error">
            <span>{{ weatherResource.error() }}</span>
        } @else if (weatherResource.value()) {
            class="w-20 object-fit"
            alt="weather icon"
          <p class="text-2xl">
            Temperature: {{ weatherResource.value()?.temperature }}
          <p class="text-xl">
            Condition: {{ weatherResource.value()?.condition }}
export class WeatherInfoComponent {
  weatherRequestState = signal<WeatherRequestState>('idle');
  isMultiCityMode = signal<boolean>(false);
  cities: City[] = ['Stockholm', 'Milan'];
  selectedCity = signal<City>(this.cities[0]);
  weatherResource = resource<
    WeatherData | undefined,
    WeatherResourceConfig | undefined
    request: () => {
      if (this.weatherRequestState() === 'idle') {
        return undefined;
      return {
        requestState: this.weatherRequestState(),
        isMultiCityMode: this.isMultiCityMode(),
        selectedCity: this.selectedCity(),
    loader: async ({ abortSignal, request }) => {
      if (!request) {
        return undefined;
      const { requestState, isMultiCityMode, selectedCity } = request;
      const response = await new Promise<Response>((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          const url = isMultiCityMode
            ? 'assets/weather-multi.json'
            : 'assets/weather.json';
          fetch(url, { signal: abortSignal }).then((r) => resolve(r));
        }, 1500);
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error('Could not fetch data');
      if (requestState === 'simulateError') {
        throw new Error('Something went wrong');
      const data = await response.json();
      if (isMultiCityMode) {
        const weatherInfo = (data as WeatherData[]).find(
          (info) => === selectedCity
        if (!weatherInfo) {
          throw new Error('Weather info not found');
        return weatherInfo;
      return data as WeatherData;

  getWeatherInfo() {
    if (this.weatherRequestState() !== 'ready') {
    } else {

  getWeatherInfoWithError() {


  • FormsModule: It is imported to use the ngModel with the toggle, and the select element.
  • cities and selectedCity: The cities array is created, as well as the selectedCity signal to store the selected city.
  • isMultiCityMode: A signal to store whether the user wants to use multi-city mode or not.
  • The request attribute now sends the weatherRequestState, isMultiCityMode, and selectedCity to the loader.
  • Template:
    • A toggle is added to switch between the single and multi city modes.
    • A select element is displayed when the multi city mode is enabled to select the desired city.
  • getWeatherInfo Method: This method checks if the multi mode is enabled or disabled, and sets the weatherRequestState signal to ready, or reloads the data.
  • getWeatherInfoWithError() Method: Sets the weatherRequestState to simulateError, triggering a fetch with error in single mode.
  • The loader now fetches different data based on the isMultiCityMode. If it's true, it will fetch data from a weather-multi.json, and filter the data by the selected city.

Key Takeaways:

  • We're now controlling the loading of the data through the weatherRequestState signal, initializing the resource on-demand.
  • The request attribute can be used to send more data to the loader.
  • The loader now handles different scenarios: loading, errors, single city, and multi city, using the value sent by the request attribute.


This progressive guide has showcased how to utilize Angular's resource() method for fetching data, handling errors, and dynamically switching between different fetching behaviors. By gradually building upon basic examples, we've explored how to manage diverse scenarios and how to control the loading of resources on-demand. We've also seen how to use the request attribute to send more information to the loader, adding flexibility to our data fetching process.

Important Note: The examples in this article are for illustrative purposes and to demonstrate the capabilities of the resource API. In a production application, it's recommended to abstract HTTP calls into dedicated Angular services and handle error scenarios in a more robust and centralized manner. Additionally, avoid simulating errors directly within component logic.


Note: Shameless plugs below...

Hope this article helps you with a leap forward in your Angular journey.
As always, happy coding!

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Last Update: February 06, 2025