Time for another Bite-Sized entry!

TanStack 🌴 utilities are exiting on their own.
However there is one additional advantage to all of them combined.

Having framework agnostic utilities.
Helps on-boarding developers from other frameworks.

While adapters are build with framework specific spice, the core concept remains the same.

Adapters in works for Angular

  • TanStack Query 🔴
  • TanStack Table 🔵
  • TanStack Form 🟡
  • TanStack Store âš«

Why should you be excited?

Key characteristics of each.

🔴 TanStack Query 🔴

- Backend agnostic
- Dedicated Devtools
- Auto Caching
- Auto Refetching
- Window Focus Refetching
- Polling/Realtime Queries
- Parallel Queries
- Dependent Queries
- Mutations API
- Automatic Garbage Collection
- Paginated/Cursor Queries
- Load-More/Infinite Scroll Queries
- Scroll Recovery
- Request Cancellation
- Render-as-you-fetch
- Prefetching
- Variable-length Parallel Queries
- Offline Support
- SSR Support
- Data Selectors

🔵 TanStack Table 🔵

- Lightweight (10 - 15kb)
- Tree-Shaking
- Headless
- Cell Formatters
- Auto-managed internal state
- Opt-in fully controlled state
- Sorting
- Multi Sort
- Global Filters
- Columns Filters
- Pagination
- Row Grouping
- Aggregation
- Row Selection
- Row Expansion
- Column Ordering
- Column Visibility
- Column Resizing
- Virtualizable
- Server-side/external Data
- Nested/Grouped Headers
- Footers

🟡 TanStack Form 🟡

- Framework agnostic design
- First Class TypeScript Support
- Headless
- Tiny / Zero Deps
- Granularly Reactive Components
- Extensibility and plugin architecture
- Modular architecture
- Form/Field validation
- Async Validation
- Built-in Async Validation Debouncing
- Configurable Validation Events
- Deeply Nested Object/Array Fields
- Declarative APIs

âš« TanStack Store âš«

- 0 Deps
- Tiny (half the size of Preact Signals)
- Optimized for Performance
- Cross-framework
- Runtime agnostic (not tied to browser)
- Great for Microarchitecture

More in docs: https://tanstack.com/

PS: I recently posted about Query.

Did you have a chance to try it yet? 😄

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Last Update: February 23, 2024